Games to play at a superhero party
Are you planning a superhero party?
Do you want brilliant, fun and interactive kids party entertainment with a superhero theme?
Superhero parties are a lot of fun because the superhero entertainment and choice of games can be very interactive. Superhero parties can be themed to suit your child’s favourite superhero. Weather it’s a Batman party, Spiderman party, Superman party or Ninja Turtle party, many of the games you play can be adjusted slightly to suit these themes.
Kids party entertainment and planning a kids party can take a lot of effort and nothing is more daunting than having 20 kids in your house and having nothing no kids party entertainment to keep them occupied.
Below are some games you could play at a superhero party or could be adapted to suit any kids party entertainment.
The muscle game:
Collect or buy second hand some old oversized T. Shirts. Blow up about 30 normal balloons. Get the kids into groups of 3. Give them 1 T. Shirt per group. Ask 1 child per group to put the t.shirt on. Explain to the party kids that whichever group can get the most amount of balloons stuffed into the T.Shirt then they are the winners of this superhero party game. Ready, set, go!! Time the race maybe by 2 mins. Whoever the winner is make them do a little parade and show of their muscles. Prizes could be given to the winning group.
The mummy game:
Looking for a game that could relate to the superhero saving everybody from the evil Mummy who has come alive? This superhero entertainment is funny and interactive and the kids get a great kick out of it.
Put the kids into groups of 3. Give them a toilet roll each. Nominate one person who will be the Mummy. Ready, set, go, the first team to wrap the Mummy fem head to toe using all the toilet paper is the winner. Younger kids may need hop with this game. get the Mummy once covered to walk around showing off their bandages!
For more superhero entertainment ideas or to get a superhero entertainer at your party you can contact us.
Superhero parties are a very interactive and fun party to host. If you want to take the stress out of doing it yourself feel free to contact us as we have many superhero entertainers to choose from. Making your kids party entertainment is important to creating many memories.